mardi 24 mars 2009

A new Andrew in the world!!!

Well, just a short one, as it has been an interesting few days.

My housegirl Mary was over, as she usually is when I get home, and I notice that she has put on a bit of weight, and mainly in the belly I ask, Mary are you pregnant? And, she gives me a look of, well, I don't really know? So, I ask how she has been feeling and all that stuff and all signs point to pregnant! So, I arrange to take her to the doctor and have her checked out.

Not only is she pregnant, but she is due in about 6 weeks!!!! She really had no clue, but was quite excited by it, once the idea sunk in. She was told she will be having a boy! (In all honesty, you could barely make out the scan, as the machine was from 1978, so we will see for sure in a few weeks)...I can't imagine A: Being told I am pregnant; B: Being told I am due in 6 weeks; and C: Being told the sex, all at once! I can imagine it was overwhelming...i wish I had a camera with me, as her expression was just freaked/happy/stunned! But, I think it is setting in now!

I asked her why she did not say anything earlier about maybe thinking she may be and she said she thought I would be ashamed and ask her to stop working for way, I said. She then said she wanted a girl, as most women here do, as she wanted to name it Andrea (how sweet, eh!), but instead she will name him Andrew! She is due anytime between late April and mid May...hard to tell, seeing as she really does not know when she got pregnant or really even how she got pregnant! And so far, her belly is quite small, but the scan showed a healthy baby, so really that is all that matters!

Now a few things crossed my mind at this point...she only met my driver a few months ago, so if I do the math, she was already pregnant...hmmmm, interesting! But, she swears it is his, and so does he, so as long as they are happy, then why should I care. The poor girl barely knows how she got pregnant, let alone really worry about whose baby it actually is. It has been an interesting couple of days talking with her, as I have come to realize that she has absolutely no clue about "the birds and the bees" and while she admits to having sex, she does not really see how the two play a role in making her pregnant! But, she is happy, and is now preparing for the baby. There is no such thing as maternity leave here, but I have told her that she cannot work, and that I will continue to pay her while she is off. She will arrange to have one of her 8 sisters come to help out this point I don't know if she is still in shock, or just really concerned that my house stay clean?!

Crazy, eh? Can't imagine getting to 7 months pregnant and only just finding out!

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