vendredi 6 février 2009

Malaria and Bill Gates...

Well, yet another "fun filled" week in Nigeria.

Because of all the stress 2 weeks ago, my body decided the best thing to happen would be to have a very nasty case of malaria. It was not fun, but I will again say that the hallucinations are pretty hilarious after the fact, as at the time they just seem so real and legitimate! It was 5 days of hell, but I am finally on the mend and would even say, 100% better! So, it is time to go out to celebrate by drinking beer and eating pizza!

The other news is that Bill Gates was here again doing a visit to see how we are using "his" money to support Polio Eradication. This man is truly one of the most down to earth, yet uber intelligent people I have ever met. He really knows his stuff, and is a fully informed donor and human being. He has a way of working with the families, albeit illiterate and uneducated, and still have an one in these villages know who he is, as he is really just "another" white guy from somewhere here to give vaccinations, but he really works with the families and asks them questions, and understands their needs. So, pretty incredible to see. But, as predicted, his visit was a circus. Every town he visited, there was this enormous celebratory welcoming, where he was given umpteen gifts (of things I am sure he can't really use) and was just so gracious in receiving them. Even put on one of the outfits he was given and wore it throughout the day! So, really good to see...but the media was insane, they were everywhere and tripping all over eachother trying to get his photo, and as he is somewhat media shy, it was interesting to see him managing it! but, it went well, and just glad to be back in Abuja again!

Other than that, not much new or exciting here. Only 2 more weeks until my holiday! Definitely looking forward to seeing everyone and just getting to relax for a couple of weeks!

Just a quick one this week, as I hope to have a more exciting week next week, but you just never know here!

take care, love ange

ps..update on the family, the mother died last week, and our staff member, he is on the mend...gained at least 30 pounds in the last 2 weeks and taking his medication!! (It is the little wins you have to celebrate here)